Maker Network 2025

Maker Network 2025

January 15, 2025 | 9a-1p
Siebel Center for Design

Evolving the UIUC Maker Network

SCD is hosting the second annual Maker Network event, as an opportunity for managers at UIUC makerspaces, creator studios, and production labs to connect and learn about the resources available on campus. Inspired by the need to connect students to resources, the Maker Network looks to develop a community and an ongoing solution to keeping our staff and students informed. 

This year, we invite other makerspace and facility managers to share more about your work and experiences. We will also host vendors and tours of our new Plastics Recycling Center along with lunch and networking opportunities. More information and the program schedule are coming soon!

When completing your RSVP, we will collect some information about your labs or spaces and ask if you would like to present at this year's event. Please let us know if you are coming, so we can have refreshments and lunch for everyone!

RSVP and Survey