HCD in K-12 Education

HCD in K12 Education

The purpose of research studies under this area is to:

  • Investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of introducing HCD in K-12 educational settings
  • Assess the impact of HCD integration on students’ interests and overall learning outcomes in K-12 classrooms.
  • Develop age-appropriate HCD frameworks, tools, and resources for educators to incorporate HCD into K-12 curricula and teaching methods

Publications and Conference Presentations


Shehab, S., & Bergandine, D. (2024). Chemistry by Design: A 4-week in-person and virtual activity to teach chemistry through Human-Centered Design. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, 25(1), 61-68

González, G., Shehab, S. & Powers, E. (2024, April). Teaching geometry to advance design justice. In T. Lowrie, A. Gutiérrez, & F. Emprin (Eds.). The 26th International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) Study: Advances in Geometry Education, Conference Pre-Proceedings. INSPE, University of Reims Champagne Ardenne, France. 

Tucker, T., & Shehab, S. (2024). People Designing for People: A one-week human-centered design engineering summer camp for pre-college students. The Science Teacher, 91(2), 54-60  

González, G., & Shehab, S. (2022, August). Teaching geometry with a Human-Centered Design approach. In Robichaud, X. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2022 Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences (MACAS) Conference (pp. 102-112). Université de Moncton, Campus de Shippagan, Canada

Shehab, S. (2021). Designing a three levels poster to visualize chemical reactions. Science Activities, 58(2), 65-69.

Conference Presentations

Tucker, T., & Shehab, S. (2023, June 25-28). Evaluating the impact of a one-week Human-Centered Design engineering summer camp on pre-college students’ learning outcomes (RTP) [Paper presentation]. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, MD, United States.  

González, G., & Shehab, S. (2022, August). Teaching geometry with a Human-Centered Design approach [Paper session]. The Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences (MACAS) Conference (virtual), Université de Moncton, Campus de Shippagan, Canada.

Shehab, S., & Bergandine, D. (2022, July 31-August 4). Teaching chemistry through Human-Centered Design [Conference Session]. The Biennial Conference on Chemistry Education (BCCE), Purdue University, IN, United States.

If you have any questions about the Assessment and Research team's publications, you can read more about Dr. Saad Shehab's work or contact him via email