SCD Staff - Ben Hardin

Ben Hardin

SCD Fellow, Lab Operations & Design


Email Ben

About Ben

As a Siebel Fellow and a Master of Science student in Health Technology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Ben is passionate about creating innovative solutions that improve health outcomes and accessibility for diverse populations. With a background in behavioral neuroscience, he possesses a unique perspective on how humans interact with technology and how to design for their needs and preferences.
Furthermore, Ben is the founder of CPoRt, a low-cost CPR assistive device that provides real-time feedback and immersive training scenarios, empowering people to perform CPR with confidence and competence. In addition to this, he has worked as a graduate research assistant at the Health Care Engineering Systems Center, where he led the implementation of a mixed-reality training simulator for medical device procedures, utilizing the Microsoft Hololens 2. Ben has acquired skills in user research, communication, research coordination, 3D printing, and programming in Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Projects, Publications and Stories

Story: Getting the Jump on Innovation